Lately, the moral dilemmas surrounding bankruptcy have been occupying my thoughts, and I have chosen to compose a poem in the style of William Shakespeare to express them.
The Dilemna of Debt
Oh, cruel fate that doth torment the soul, With debts and worries that doth make us whole,
For when our means are scant, and creditors call, We seek the refuge of bankruptcy's hall.
But is it fair, to leave our debts unpaid, And leave our creditors in a state dismayed?
Or is it just, to free ourselves from woe, And start anew, with debts laid low?
The ethics of bankruptcy doth split the mind, For to some, it is a moral bind.
But others see it as a second chance, To right our wrongs and advance.
Perchance, the answer lies in balance found, Between the needs of the debtor and the needs of the bound.
For when a man is drowning in despair, And all his options are beyond repair,
Mayhap, bankruptcy is the only way, To save him from eternal debt and dismay.
Thus, let us weigh the costs and benefits, And tread with care, where ethics and finances intersects.
